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Hello. As y'all know, my name is Skylar Rose Parker. I am a strange kid and I still have a life ahead of me and you know what I waste it on? Gaming. Who cares about life when you have internet? I am kidding, but still. I have been through a lot in my life. My mom had a stroke back in 2011 and my dad died in 2014. So what keeps me going? Music and games. So I made a wish that if I keep making videos and that I keep following this almost impossible goal, that I will get to my destination one day. And I think thats all that really matters. I have an inspirater and he is someone that everyone knows, if not? Were have you been the last few years, but anyways, his name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, or known as PewDiePie. He started a few years ago and he now is famous beyond means. Now I don't care for the fame, I care for the reconization. I want someone to look at me like I am not just another person, that I am someone special or someone that can make you laugh, and really? Thats all that people want these days without society treating them like they are worthless. 


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